Doing business with genuine social enterprises

SE_Business_Identifier_RGBThe Social Enterprise Mark is the certification you need to see to give you confidence that you are in business with a genuine social enterprise.  The Social Enterprise Mark is a guarantee that the business that you are working with or buying from has verified its social enterprise credentials and can deliver social value.

We are looking for exciting opportunities for Social Enterprise Mark holders to influence consumers’ and other businesses’ buying habits.  This is particularly important in the light of the Social Value Act which encourages government commissioners to consider buying from businesses such as social enterprises.

There are a number of ways that you can engage with, support and partner Social Enterprise Mark holders:

  • Look for the Social Enterprise Mark and buy from those that display it
  • Ask businesses that say they are social enterprises to apply for the Social Enterprise Mark. This will provide you with assurance that you are dealing with the genuine article
  • Find suppliers through our directory and give preference to those suppliers on the basis of their certified status
  • Save time if you are a commissioner – look for the Social Enterprise Mark to identify social value

OR contact us to sponsor one of our campaigns or discuss other options: or phone 0345 504 6536.