IC24 welcome box

Integrated Care 24 gives a Gold star welcome to new employees

Urgent care provider and Social Enterprise Gold Mark holder Integrated Care 24 (IC24) has rolled out a new starters’ gift box to give a warm welcome to its new recruits.

Contents of IC24 welcome boxAs part of a focus on the employee experience of working for IC24, the concept of a welcome box was devised, to present to new employees when they join the organisation to set them on their way in their new careers.

All of the items in the box help new employees to get started in their new role; a notepad and pen for making notes, a travel mug and water bottle to keep hydrated, and a pair of headphones to allow new-starters to listen to their essential learning packages at their workstations. As part of the roll out, IC24 has stopped selling single use plastic bottles in the tuck shop to play their part in the reduction of single use plastic.

James Pope, Learning and Experience Manager said: “We want to recruit great people, but it is just as important is to retain them. We see the employee experience of working for IC24 as really essential to our success, and the box contains a few small but practical gifts to welcome them to their new workplace.”