Social UP project

Social UP – design thinking for social enterprises

We are excited to be involved in a new EU co-funded project, which aims to improve the sustainability, social impact and scalability of social enterprises, to enable them to achieve their societal mission in a financially viable manner.

Social UP is an EU co-funded project under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, with the aim to cultivate design thinking in social enterprises, well-adapted to their own needs, to support them to scale up their operations.

The project will design, develop and implement a design thinking-based training material, providing the necessary knowledge and tools to support and motivate design thinking within social enterprises in order for them to grow, scale–up and prosper.

Our main role in the project is to conduct desk research and consultation on the development of the field guide. We will also be hosting an event towards the end of the project in 2018, to present the completed field guide and report on the main findings of the project.

We are working in partnership with design thinking experts, social entrepreneurs, and business advisers from across Europe (UK, Greece, Finland, Spain and Cyprus). The team has complementary experience and expertise in the fields of design thinking process and training, business education and training, entrepreneurial education and guidance, business consulting and social entrepreneurship, technical development of support tools, combining research with market and technical knowledge.

To find out more about the project, please visit the Social UP website.